At the same time in early 1984 that Libyan nationals were being arrested for explosions at Manchester and Heathrow Airports and WPC Yvonne Fletcher was shot and killed in the resulting Libyan embassy hostage situation, Roger Windsor, the Chief Executive of the NUM, was visiting Gaddafi to raise funds. Later, around 1990 Windsor was ordered to repay a £29,500 bridging loan from Lbyan funds in a legal case that cost £100,000. In 1993 Scargill tried to buy a £1,500,000 flat in London under the governments help to buy scheme meant for council tenants, but failed on the grounds that it would have been a second home.In any event the £30,000 a year rent for the flat was paid by the NUM until 2011, When Scargill tried to sue the NUM for refusing to pay his rent, it was ruled that a letter from the NUM vice president setting out Scargills entitement to remain in the flat for life at the expense of the NUM was written by Scargill himself. In 2012 he took the NUM to court to claim compensation over expenses and suspension of his NUM membership and won £13, 000.