by suziquaif | Aug 20, 2017 | poems
It crept in amongst us diseasing hope and sanity. Slowly taking you from us to place of dwindling clarity. For a while we laughed, found a hundred ways to ease unease. For a while it could have just been a game, the resounding echo of a lifelong tease. Then the echo...
by suziquaif | Aug 19, 2017 | stories
Fatigue troubles him of late. It creeps up uninvited and settles on his shoulders; an unassailable weight pressing his eyelids shut. It is summer and he is young. The kitchen is filled with the aroma of baking bread and acrid coal dust from his fathers dirty pit...
by suziquaif | Aug 14, 2017 | poems
Industry born on a larger scale, once rose amid the rolling moors. Grand designs of brick and glass and skyward fingers of chimney stacks forged a landscape of mills and hills from the minds of men, never still . Dreams drawn out on a spinning mule, fuelled by...
by suziquaif | Aug 13, 2017 | poems
What see you love when you look at me? What drives your heart to stay? I am flawed by life’s experience. More than I was, yet less than I could be, I have put up hard resistance ‘gainst the notion of true love and bitter fought for freedom for longer than I can say....
by suziquaif | Aug 10, 2017 | people, places & things
Before we begin – caveats, qualifications It’s not my aim to foist my opinions on anyone, I can only relate facts in an even handed way as possible and rely for the greater part on statistics. The data I’ve used is largely from the Office of National Statistics...