So why did we vote to leave? Well that was because we are human, we are emotional, we care about what is close to us and the www. world has made us knowledgeable about everything and experts in nothing. The wall of accessible noise, invited and uninvited, has made us so vulnerable to too much information that we are ill informed. Not that I’m arguing that fears about immigration, EU legislative interference in affairs at home, the spectre of a Federal Europe and the EU drain on our precious financial resources aren’t valid reasons to feel aggrieved and demand change. They just aren’t all the arguments that can be cited in a nation changing irreversible decision.

Was holding an exit referendum a good idea? It’s a debateable point. Anyone who has watched ‘Yes Minister’ will realise that letting Politicians think for themselves is not the way to run a country. Likewise asking the opinion of the general public is another noble concept, but trying to rationalise 66 million differing opinions into one decision is like trying to herd kittens. Some of them are bound to get run over by a bus.