It’s a bit of a throwaway statement that generally speaking, you get more for your buck with services because they cost next to nothing to produce, but still. By 2016 services put every other industry in the shade. Britain’s have become consumers of technology, coffee, burgers and IT men who fix our computers. Which accounts for the average burgeoning waistlines wandering the street, digesting a MacDonald on the way to the coffee shop staring at their mobile phones wondering why they can’t get a signal.

brexit foreign investment UK economy

As of 2016, despite only accounting for around 50% of UK industry, Services generate 80% of added value to our economy.

UK manufacturing is no longer the lumbering beast it was in the ‘Golden Age’, but neither is it the golden goose it once was as far as the UK economy today is concerned. The British on the other hand, have remained great thinkers, valued technicians and have a healthy understanding of customer service. We may be apt to be lazy and arrogant, but by golly we are clever and nice to know.