And anyway, isn’t the point of a Democracy that we employ politicians to quietly monitor the publics concerns in the Commons and the front page of the Sun and make decisions that are ultimately good for us all as a nation?

For a nation of hardened believers in British Greatness, listening to Brexit ‘#Take Control’ rhetoric about what a mighty trading force we are and how no country would dare to contemplate not bowing to our demands, seemed outstandingly plausible. And even if it didn’t, we were referred frequently to the case of Norway versus the EU. If it was all political spin is yet to be established.

Britain! That Great British Institution

The question we need to ask is Britain as British as we think it is? What are the foundations of all the jitters about our dealings with all these foreign chaps? And what the devil is FDI apart from a lazy way to say Foreign Direct Investment.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a company or individual in one country in business interests in another country, in the form of either establishing business operations or acquiring business assets in the other country, such as ownership or controlling interest in a foreign company

It isn’t anything new (what is?) The Romans and the Vikings did it in Ireland, setting up trading colonies because the Irish Kings were just too scary to contemplate invasion.