Holiday over we said our farewells and set off back to the Ferry harbour in Caen. Sitting in the lines of cars waiting to board we whiled the time watching the big screen sun drenched images of smiley young folk on push bikes and places we didn’t get around to visiting.

Next to us a group of late middle aged bikers, tinkered with their touring bike accoutrement and stroked their grey beards, bending over to peer in covetous appreciation of each others bike related widgets. A tall slender guy with tufts of silver hair poking out from under his red beret said suddenly, ‘Ah well we’ll soon be back in Blighty’ as if being away from his castle had been something of a trial. I don’t suppose we Brits will ever change.

We will go back to Normandy to learn more of a history not so far in the past and visit the places on the big screen we missed. Only next time I’ll take the time to learn some French.